As soon as the baby sitter arrived DB knew what was going to happen. She held her arms out to me, put her head on my shoulder and then pushed up with her feet so that as much of her as possible was curled up into my neck! She does that...
I pressed DB against me, even closer if it was possible, kissed her and said I would come back. Then I took my things, all ready beforehand, with DB cuddling up to me, then deposited her on the sofa with a last kiss and literally legged it out before the tears that had started to fall gathered momentum!
When I came back she was playing with the baby sitter. Although she did that thing of crying again on seeing me (I think just to pick up where we had left off and showing she had not enjoyed herself at all...!) she couldn't resist showing me what she'd been doing, her little face lighting up then.
She also cries if I leave her with DH, except if her brother and sisters are around.
She loves her daddy though. She even is a bit of Daddy's girl. Only yesterday morning I was upstairs when she woke up but she declined my offer to pick her up and instead made her own way downstairs to find Daddy!
On Monday Daddy took her and DS on a trip into town, on the bus! She was quite happy to leave me behind. It's lovely to see her like this but a bit unsettling too...
I think that, as the picture I chose to illustrate this post suggests, a lot of breastfeeding mothers can get the feeling that it's their boobs their baby is missing.
But then bottle-fed babies are the same and I think bottle-feeding mothers can experience the same feeling of frustration at their baby not accepting the care of others but being quite happy to have fun without them!
I know, really, that it's not just my boobs she misses and that it's all developmental. All the same... It's hard work!
Anne x

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