Thursday, 26 December 2013

Guest blog : breastfeeding after a caesarean section

This week our guest blogger is Carol, who tells us about her experience of having an emergency C-section and breastfeeding her newborn baby. A wonderful post that speaks about the determination of a mother to breastfeed no matter what anyone else says!

"As soon as I became pregnant, I read anything and everything about pregnancy. From the week by week development of baby to best feeding for mum and baby. I soon made up my mind that I wanted to breastfeed. There are health, bonding and financial benefits after all.

So, when we discovered at our scan that I had a low placenta (placenta praevia) and that a caesarean section was very likely, I was really upset. How on earth would I be able to pick my baby up if bed-bound? Latching on would be virtually impossible. The negativity surrounding c-sections and successful breastfeeding was incredible ‘on the grapevine’ that is an internet search… often leading to forums. Even some of the more ‘reputable’ sources were often negative.Understandably, I felt very downbeat…

Until I spoke to my midwife and spoke to my hubby’s friend who had successfully bf after a section.They were very supportive and positive.

I bought the nursing bra, the breast pads, and put aside my free lanosin sample from my pre-natal Bounty pack. I was all set…

Until I developed acute pre-eclampsia and hellp syndrome at 37 + 1 weeks. You can read more about my experience here.

Instead of my planned section, I had an emergency section. This involved being nil by mouth (not any food or drink to be taken orally) and on various meds. All of which made it very difficult to bf….

I should have noted that within an hour of being born, our little bear latched on instinctively. I was happy, if very poorly and she was happy. Win-win.Granted, it was difficult to lever myself out of bed to get to our bear and bf but the support of the ward staff was incredible. I couldn’t have asked for more.

It was a slightly different story once ‘home alone’ a week later. Within 3 weeks of giving birth, I had no real option other than to ‘give up’ breastfeeding. I couldn’t keep up with my hungry baby and hadn’t had the best start to it, being nil by mouth and so poorly… but no matter.

That said, this post is to highlight that it IS possible to successfully breastfeed after having a c-

And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise…

Thanks for listening."

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